Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea. —Henry Fielding

27 April 2020

Ticket of No Return (1979)

This movie is, as my friend Allison put it, David Lynch meets Jacques Tati. And... that is surprisingly a rather fun combination. Ulrike Ottinger's movie is bananas but in a good way. Bildnis einer Trinkerin (Ticket of No Return) is about a woman who books a one-way ticket to Berlin and then once she gets there she drinks. She wears the most elegant outfits every day – gowns and heels and fabulous makeup – and she drinks, hangs out with a bag lady, breaks many, many glasses, goes to a Nina Hagen show, rides on a boat, and stumbles around Berlin drunk. She never twists her ankle or ruins a shoe, but she isn't exactly elegant. She also never speaks a word. It's a fashion show without a real plot, and it's sort of delightful.

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