Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea. —Henry Fielding

04 September 2016

Labyrinth of Lies

Giulio Ricciarelli's Im Labyrinth des Schweigens is a totally conventional procedural version of the first trial of the SS at Auschwitz.

Labyrinth of Lies certainly isn't boring, I'll give it that, mostly because I sort of couldn't believe that this protagonist was doing what he was doing. (A character refers to him as "greenhorn" through most of the film, and this fits for most of the film.) Still, this is a film in which a character discovers what happened at Auschwitz. It feels as though it is rather an impossible task to find interest in someone figuring all of this out. The film takes places in the early 1960s, so I get how this historically could have happened, I am just not quite sure that there is any way to make all of this detective work actually interesting in 2016, or what the import of all of this procedural work is in the present day. 

The acting is good, and Alexander Fehling is great in the main role, but there is not really much here in the way either of moviemaking or insight.

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