Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea. —Henry Fielding

17 June 2020

Bugsy Malone (1976)

Bugsy Malone is decidely weird. I was super into the whole child-actors-playing-mobsters thing. It's really fun. What I think I don't understand is the lipsynching. The kids don't actually sing their own numbers but instead are dubbed by adult singers. It's a gimmick, and one sort of gets used to it, I suppose, but I am not sure why it was happening. Jodie Foster is amazing. She's so much better than everyone else in this movie, but honestly the whole thing is super cute.

Also, a kid wants to be a tap-dancer and tells us this in act one, and so I predicted we'd get to see him tap the house down in act three, but no dice. For some reason he has a number about wanting to be a dancer early in this film but then never actually does it. This is perhaps Bugsy Malone's main flaw.

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