Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea. —Henry Fielding

22 March 2021

O Fantasma (2000)

Sexy and weird, O Fantasma is a story of a young man's desperation as it grows and grows to a breaking point. It's about obsession and confusion and terror. This is a tragic film, but also so strange that it is constantly intriguing. The final act of this film manages to be both heartbreaking and bizarre. I really, really liked this.

I've been watching João Pedro Rodrigues's films on the Criterion Channel, since they're about to leave. The first film of his I saw was The Ornithologist, and it's so intriguing and surreal and wonderful. O Fantasma is really a masterpiece, though. I look forward to watching both Odete and To Die like a Man. I expect very queer things.

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