Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea. —Henry Fielding

01 December 2007

Semester Over?

With the kind of program I'm in, there is no such thing as being done. My last class day is on December 6th. I have a presentation on The Tamer Tamed that night, a Spanish translation test on December 8th, and then I present my final paper for history (It's titled "Othello and the Pornographic Imagination") on December 11th. That's my last official assignment for the semester. I am leaving Tallahassee on December 12th in the early afternoon, but as for taking a real break... doing that is not actually going to be possible.

See, I need to defend my thesis in front of my committee at some point in mid-March, which is, if I'm counting correctly, three and a half months away. That's three and a half months to write four chapters for my thesis and make sure they pass muster. I have four committee members, but the scary one is my advisor/major professor. (I chose her, of course, so it is my own fault.) I think I need a little hand-holding right now, and she isn't really willing to give me any.

At any rate, all of this means that I need to get a good jump on thesis chapter one before I leave Tallahassee (in other words, I should be doing that right now instead of blogging), and that I'm going to need to spend some of my supposed break working on thesis chapters.

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