Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea. —Henry Fielding

21 March 2009

Perhaps a Little Russell Edson for the Weekend...

This is from The Rooster's Wife:

There was a man who danced with his dog; his wife loving to sit evenings watching them. . . .

Suddenly she screams, Stop!
What happened? cries her husband skidding to a stop; the dog fainting.
I don't know, she says, Suddenly everything's reversed, now I don't love sitting evenings watching them.
That man who dances with the dog; didn't you see them? They were here just moments ago.

Then the man begins dancing with his dog again. . . .
Suddenly his wife screams, It's reversed, now I love sitting evenings watching them.
Who? cries her husband skidding to a stop; the dog fainting.
That man who dances with his dog; didn't you see them? They were here just moments ago. . . .

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