Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea. —Henry Fielding

19 June 2004


This evening I went to a fabulously produced graduation party for Elizabeth and Justin.  Allan picked me up from home around 7:45p or so and we headed out to Robbie's nightclub in Pomona to be fashionably late.  In attendance: Wahima, Aaron, Ashley, Kim, Danny (who turned 21 today!), Debbye Eggeman, Brittney Kalmbach, Kevin Gonzales, Cyn Pérez, Jeremy Sherry and his lovely girlfriend Jen, Mike Steger, Lauren Donahoo and her roommate whose name is, I think, Elise or something like that, plus Samantha Dykstra, Jensen Kong, Caroline Collins, Dave Ryan, plus about 3 billion people I didn't know at all.  Justin's boss Sky (I think that's his name) was the only other gay guy there.  He's taken.  Boo.  The party was 21 and over only (very cool) and there was a bouncer and a guest list and everything... very high class. 

It was a great party.  I had a very fun time.  I haven't gone dancing in a really long time.  I wore this slate blue dress shirt with a bright white collar and enormous bright white cuffs that I bought almost a year ago at Mexx in Vancouver but had never worn.  I wore Mexx pants too: stretchy denim looking pants that feel light and are perfect for the dance floor.  I chose a risky pair of shoes: the white Maddens with the slate blue trim.  They matched the shirt, and I'm not usually all about that, but it seemed to work tonight.  Most of my friends looked fabulous as well... not as fabulous as me, but what can you do?

Dave and Lauren both kept on talking about their absent significant others... snore.  If they're so significant where are they?  In Dave's case, she was probably under 21.  Kevin had Elise (is that her name?) and Samantha and Debbye and Lauren all on him at one time or other.  I swear that guy gets more play than any nerd I've ever met.  He must be charismatic or something.  I don't know what it is.  (There was a time...)

I swear Debbye's favorite topic of conversation is her own breasts.

Allan is my friend.  I love that guy.  We have fun, and we have good conversations.

Congratulations to my lovely friends Justin and Elizabeth.  I am very happy for you both on your graduations.  Much love!

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