Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea. —Henry Fielding

19 July 2004

It's Not the Heat; It's the Humidity

It's just so unbearably hot! People keep suggesting Disneyland as a fun thing to do. Hell no! Kim suggested it on Friday and Jill said something about it today. Disneyland. On the weekend. In this heat. All of those fucking people. No thank you. Although, I would love to go to Disneyland... just not during the day and not on the weekend.
Kim, let's go one day during the week... like a Tuesday or a Wednesday when D-land is open until midnight. We can go, relax, eat ice cream on the train, ride 2 or 3 rides and then head out.
My friend Anna's parents are moving to northern California. She is, I think, devastated (that's the word from Jaime). Jaime and I said almost at the same time today that if our parents decided to do move up north we would be, like, "Peace out." I'm not sure that this is completely true... I would miss them and stuff, but it would be nowhere near shattering or devastating. I think it would be for Michael, but I think I would be pretty cool with it.
My weekend was not productive. The only thing I did of any substance was finish Lewis Thomas's The Lives of a Cell, which I would recommend to anyone. It's an amazing, humbling, incredible experience.
I had a very very sad conversation with my sister and two cousins about gender roles in society. They are 16-19 years old, and they all seemed to have a very defeatist attitude about feminism and the women's movement. I was very upset, and am more so the more I think about it. The gender equality movement is so vital and important, and it surprises me that these young girls are not more aware of their rights... or that they're not more interested in supporting other women. It was a depressing conversation, otherwise I'd share more of it.
These people keep talking about the "sanctity of marriage." I keep hearing this phrase. I hear it all the time. These people are serious. It's astounding! It's preposterous, really. There is no such thing as the sanctity of marriage in the United States. What an idea! Why is this part of the national dialogue? I mean, we can't really be serious. What is it now? Fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce? The sanctity of marriage! I am not even sure that the word "sanctity" belongs in political dialogue. For me, that word means something religious, and if we are discussing religion, we aren't discussing politics.

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